Monday, July 30, 2012

Lily Pads and Lotus Flowers

Recently we visited some friends who are staying at a little cottage on Brooks Lake, near Newaygo, Michigan. Its kind of a shallow lake, especially on the little cove where the cottage is. So we floated around on inflated rafts and stayed nice and cool! I really wanted to get some close-up photos of the lily pads and flowers so I put my camera in a zip-lock bag and floated out to them. I took a ton of pictures after very carefully taking the camera out of the bag and putting the strap around my arm! The flat leaves that are right on the water's surface are the real lily pads but the ones that grow "up" out of the water are actually lotus plants. I just read that online this past week!

The yellow flowers remind me of something from Star Wars, like one of those mechanical eyeballs that would pop out of the sand and spy on everyone! But these bright flowers are so pretty! The dragonflies and bees liked them too!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy 4th of July! Thank You, Veterans!!

May all of you have a happy and safe 4th of July!
Remembering our veterans this holiday with MUCH gratitude for their service to our country!
May God bless each one of you!
And may God bless America! Please pray for our nation, that the values we hold dear and the wonderful freedoms we enjoy...which others faught and died for(!)...may be preserved for generations to come.

Another Rose

Another of my roses, this one a bit past its prime but still quite pretty...even with its brown edges and extreme "openness".  The bright sunlight made it look a little faded but it really is a lovely yellow.
Its very hot and dry here in Michigan now. My roses get watered often enough but are not as happy as they were this spring!